Saturday, November 14, 2009

Back to blogging!

Well, it has been quite a while, and still not much has happened. As you have read in past blogs, Mike has been gone for the majority of the last month or so. While I missed him dearly, I am proud to say that my husband was involved in the rescue efforts for the collision of a Marine Copter with a Coast Guard plane. I was very shocked at how much the tragedy shook me up, as well as the Fort Hood shooting that followed, but I guess for the first time reality really hit me on the dangers that not only every day people face by going out into the world, but also that our soldiers and sailors face, even when not on duty overseas or otherwise. I would just like to take a second to say that we are very sad for the families that lost people in the recent tragedies, and we hope their souls rest in peace.
On a lighter note, I did not get nearly as much accomplished as I had hoped in my husband's absence. The first half of his being gone I hobbled around on a bum ankle, and the last two weeks I had a horrible case of the flu, in which I learned that military hospitals will nearly always have atleast a three hour wait in the emergency room. I did, however, manage to try the little recipe I got from Emily, who got the recipe here This is a double decker pumpkin pie, and while the picture I took do not do it justice, it was absolutely amazing!!

I'm also putting up some updated pictures of the adorable Willow, as she has hit a growth spurt, and a picture of my very handsom husband sporting the new working uniform, as I know a few women on my side of the family that would love to see how well-dressed the Navy keeps its sailors these days. I am very excited to soon be posting our Thanksgiving photos, along with the Christmas tree I am so anxious to put up! Happy pre-holidays to all!

Mike in Uniform

She loves the camera

I guess it was too bright for her nap?


  1. how does mike like the MWU's? when we were at the exchange today we saw all the uniforms out in this certain area {they had a whole set up just for them}. When they came out last year in Norfolk they had some out, but not nearly as many as they do here! ha we were quite impressed, esp since the hampton raods area is a HUGE military area like San Diego.

  2. Oh my goodness yes! IT was chaos, we went very EARLY the day they put them out and i'm so glad we did it when we did. He likes them, says to him they feel like they breath a little more, but we have to get new tee's because the lady told us they'd shrink, so we got mediums, but they didn't shrink nearly enough. The boots are the worst he said, just because wearing in new boots period just sucks haha.

  3. shes sooo bigggg. jesus. willow. jesus. :( ty and i totally have to get friggen cammies soon.. and were brokee

  4. Aaah thank god for star card and uniform allowance. We got him one set with each. It SUUUCKED still.
