Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Miss Bailey Rae

Hubbers and I have officially added a member to our family! It was quick, easy, and the whole process took about twenty minutes (and it only took that long because the lady we got her from had a lot to say!). Yes, it's true, we are now proud parents to a puggle. For those of you who don't know, (I didn't until I moved to California), puggles are pug-beagle mixes. Her parents are 15 and 20 pounds, so her adult size should be just right four our family.
I think she is absolutely adorable!
It didn't take Willow long at all to feel comfortable with her new baby sister.

We were not sure what her temperament would be when we went to see her and I was worried that she would be shy at first and Willow might be too high-energy for her to handle. As soon as we saw her in the front yard, we noticed her little body hopping up and down in the high grass. While I talked to the lady about what she eats and other details, Hubbers ran around in the yard with her. She's so adventurous, and not scared of a thing. She didn't wine in the car, she wasn't nervous to meet new people, and she thinks she owns everything in sight.

The first place we went after getting some supplies was to Frank and Emily's. I was hesitant to let her in the same area as their cocker-beagle mixes, but it went so well! Right off the back Bailey was running around, attacking them like there wasn't a size difference at all. Man was I impressed! Willow was a bit hesitant, she's never played with a smaller dog, but she was all for trying just as soon as they met. Of course Willow is adjusting to having a housemate, but so far things are lovely. We couldn't be happier with our little family.

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