Monday, June 21, 2010


So this afternoon I was able to attend my first FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting! It was the second meeting all together, but many of our first chances to attend. I was a bit nervous because I know so many of them either have children or are expecting. I love kids, and pregnant people (ha!) but I didn't want to be the only 19 year old childless person. Still, I think I was, however there were other women a few years older than me that didn't have children. Regardless, the kids were all really entertaining and not those annoying, disruptive, needing to be the center of everything sort of children. There was a craft table and they could all make fathers day frames, cards, or other gifts. Then they took pictures to send to their daddies on the ship. It was wonderful to see everyone keeping on and enjoying the day.

We talked about a lot of the resources available to us as military spouses. We also talked about a needs tree, where we can all put our needs or services together and help one another out. They are putting together a softball team, doing a few bbqs and raffles, and a group baby shower.

There were some wonderful women there and I'm really looking forward to getting to know more of them.

One of the women is a crafty one (she may be my favorite ha!) and she brought a camera to take some pictures. They set up a little area with a flag and boots and took photos. One of the women brought a set of coveralls and the kids were able to dress up and hold little flags. I'm going to ask if I can borrow a picture to post on here, but I may forget, so don't hold your breath. After another of the girls (the only one I'd actually had conversation with prior to the meeting), took a picture just herself to send to her hubby, I decided to do the same. I was really happy with how it turned out!!

If I get to a weight I feel comfortable with, I'd love to do some sort of patriotic pin-up style modeling! Hopes and dreams, people, hopes and dreams haha.

On another note, my mommy and daddy are coming to visit this week! There will be lots of pictures and updates! I swear to be a better blogger now that I'm taking an itty bitty break from work haha.


  1. are those tattoos real!? LOVE!

    i have an award for you on my blog!

  2. They are real and there are more on my ribs and back haha. OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO EXCITED! I'm headed over right now!

  3. that's awesome. i'm SO addicted to tattoos :) :)
